Motor Driver for Haptics QC
Quality Check for 8 motor board
1. Write the firmware to PIC32MK by a PC with PICkit3.
1.1 Install MPLAB IPE v6.15
IPE come with IDE.
1.2 Start MPLAB IPE
1.2. Move to Advanced Mode
Click menu "Settings-Advanced Mode"
Enter "microchip" as the password.
1.3 Choose device and tool
Connect PICkit3.
Choose Family and Device as below.
PICkit3 will shown in Tool. So, choose it.
1.4. Power setting
Click the left "Power" button and press Power Settings. Check "power target circuit from PICkit3" and adjust the voltage level.
1.5. Select a hex file.
Click the left "Operate" button and click the "Browse" button for "Hex File". Then choose the downloaded hex file.
1.6. Connect to PICkit3
Connect PICkit3 to PC and connect the board and PIC kit3.
Push the connector softly to keep the contacts.
Click the "Connect" button.
Then, the "Output - IPE" tab will shows:
Connecting to MPLAB PICkit 3...
Currently loaded firmware on PICkit 3
Firmware Suite Version.....01.56.09
Firmware type..............PIC32MZ
Programmer to target power is enabled - VDD = 3.250000 volts.
Target device PIC32MK0512MCJ064 found.
Device ID Revision = A1
DEVSN0 = 0100010c
DEVSN1 = 50434239
1.7. Program the firmware
- Click Program button.
Then, the "Output - IPE" tab will shows:
2023-12-11 14:44:39 +0900 - Programming...
Device Erased...
The following memory area(s) will be programmed:
program memory: start address = 0x1d000000, end address = 0x1d00dfff
boot config memory
configuration memory
Programming/Verify complete
2023-12-11 14:44:49 +0900 - Programming complete
*** Hold In Reset mode is enabled ***
2. Connect the board to the PC via the USB-UART board.
2.1 Connect UART
Connect the USB-UART board to the "UART1" connector on the board using a FFC cable and the Power cable.
Connect the USB-UART board and the PC with a USB micro B cable.
2.2 Download and run the test software on Windows.
Run PCController.exe
2.3 Check UART port.
Click the Dropdown list of "UART port#" and select the correct COM port. If there are multiple ports, please unplug USB-UART from the PC once and check the list—the port that disappeared is what we want to use.
Click "List borads" button. You will see "#1M8C0F4" and 10 white panels.
Remove FFC from the board.
Connect the FFC cable to the "UART0" connector on the board.
Click "List borads" button. You will see "#1M8C0F4" and 10 white panels again.
3. Test 8 motor connectors
Connect motor to one of the motor connectors (MC0 ~ MC7) by FFC.
Click "Drive and Measure" button. Then the motor will rotate and you will see the sensor outputs.
Check the output of the corresponding panel (Top row, left to right: MC0-MC2, Second row: MC3-MC5, Third row: MC6, MC7, FS1, fourth row: FS2)
If the graphs in the correponding panel is similar to the above. The motor connector is good. Otherwise, there will be some connection error.
Repeat for all motor connectors.
4. Check 2 force sensor connectors
Connect the motor to one of the FS connectors (FS0 ~ FS1) by FFC.
Click "Measure" button and rotate the motor by hand.
Then, you will see graphs similar to the 9th panel below.
A video for FS connectors; rotate the motor by hand.